Security Door Locks – A Simple Way to Reinforce the Security of the Home

Synopses: Security Door Locks: Find out the different methods on how to secure the entryway to one’s home and how the security locks, and their different types, could play a factor in adding protection to the house aside from the alarm systems.

Exterior doors play a major role in the design of a house, and with the right security door locks as a part of it, one gets to ensure protection for the entire house. There is the misconception that burglars will pick the locks of the doors, but the truth is that they do not have the time to undertake such trivial procedures. Why bother to pick a lock when all they can do is use a screwdriver to pry the doors open?

Front door security and other exterior entryways must have the right sets of security locks that will prevent robbers and intruders from entering the house. Durable, strong, and well-installed locks will work best to ensure that one’s home and family is protected. Avoid flimsy locks and undependable brands as they play a factor in allowing criminals to have gate passes to the house.

Door stop alarms will only play a small part in preventing intruders, and while their goal is to alert the authorities, it may at times, be a little way too little too late. Secured doors are the first step to the burglar and intruder alarm systems. Hence, it would be best to look into the structure of the actual door. Solid and strong doors will provide the highest security function for the house.

Besides the use of the wood types of doors, it is actually suggested by many to use the metal clad exterior doors. These appear to be plain and pressed, but it will often be mistaken for the wood types. With the low maintenance and the weatherproof benefits being inherent in the device, it is considered as one of the most durable doors that help in securing the home.

The Security door locks

When it comes to the security door locks, it is important to look at their quality creation. Usually, the locks for the home door security come with the metal components that appear and look solid. Overall, the entire lock should be made of the toughest metals yet. With one part being made with weak materials, it will only mean the entire device is already flimsy.


Deadbolts are considered as the locks that can be added for door security without actually changing the existing locks. These locks usually come with the rectangular bolts that will be thrown inside the door frames to at least an inch. Usually, the best types of deadbolts will be those that have key access from the outside while having this knob for locking on the inside.

Key-in Knob Locks

This is the type of locks that are considered to be very weak for the exterior door home security measures. The Key-In locks have simple beveled latches that can easily be slipped open with the use of thin credit cards that can be slipped in between.

Vertical Deadbolt Locks

The vertical types of deadbolts are simply the most functional security door locks. It comes with the benefit of preventing intruding from using any tool to pry open the door from the frame. Finger-locks on the bolt are simply quite impossible to pry open without the key or by turning the knob inside.

Sliding Bar Locks

These are the types of locks that are mounted on the center of the door, and it comes with the benefits of two dead bolts that will be jammed on both sides.  This prevents access from any side of the door. While this is highly recommended for retail and business areas, the homes that are on high risk locations can still use this.

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